#words #smallpoetry #dailydose

And when it falls..

..asleep, the beast. Loveliness is gonna die, because the shrew digests the emptiness of dreams that gonna lie. Closing and opening, the new day spawns ahead. The tale it says the opposite, of what you thought has lied..


It seems a little..

..shakin’, from the ground and it’s ground, beneath its breaking! ..there seems to be a hole, somewhere near the South Pole, it’s said to be a pity, a dumpster, where black holes take their gritty! Bear’s the final truth, on how we all have lost our youth, to a thought that lingers soft, beneath the […]


Hicks and toes..

..it’s outrageous he thought and slammed the door behind him. What else could he do, given the fact that he all along should have done this a long time ago. This is how the cookie crumbles.


It swings..

..in peace, flies back and forth, just unimpressed by bogus thoughts, it splits the air while swinging there and there…there and there.. Yet tied to only one course, which was laid beforehand by someone else’s grace, is this freedom or a grave? You are not a pendulum, more a wrecking ball..


The green..

..it fades and turns to shades, everything is temporary and as time changes the color of the leaves, we turn gray and leave. It’s for the best, eternal would give us the rest.



..and unsteady, lies the water’s surface, beneath my boat of life, far beyond it reaches, so much deeper there to dive. The further down you’re sinking, the darker as it gets, much colder than you’re a thinking, with no sun rays there to catch. And the pressure is relentless, squeezing every inch of you, crushes […]
